Milk costs about 25 cents per 8-ounce serving. Dollar for dollar, dairy is one of the most affordable protein and nutrition sources available.

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Dietary Guidelines recommend 3 servings of low-fat or fat-free dairy foods daily. Together, milk, cheese, and yogurt provide nine essential nutrients, including calcium, potassium, phosphorus,...

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To freeze sweet corn, you need to cook it first. To keep from over-cooking it, cool it quickly in cold tap water, then ice water. Strain excess water, then bag, seal and freeze.

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Fresh cuts of pork, like roasts, chops and tenderloin, can be kept well-wrapped in the freezer up to six months. Well-wrapped ground pork can be kept for about three months in the freezer.

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Buying larger cuts of beef and slicing them into steaks at home can save you at least a dollar or two per pound. Freeze individually or serve when entertaining a group.  

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Add more protein to your bread by mixing 7 cups of wheat flour with 1 cup of soy flour. It doesn’t change the baking qualities of the flour and gives your bread a longer shelf life. 

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You can cook sorghum a lot of different ways — like rice or quinoa, popped like popcorn, milled into flour or made into syrup. 

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Rotate crops to help keep soil healthy. (Jim Sipes)

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